Thursday, 3 December 2015

Harri Larkin - Follow-Up Work

I rang my friend to tell her I'd had some ideas and asked if her housemate was available to talk about them. I sent the below screenshot to my friend and started talking to Harri, the lead singer of the band via text message.

Unfortunately by this point the person who's doing the artwork for the band's first album had offered to do a logo as well, but Harri liked these a lot and asked if she could use them as stickers, and potentially as the logo if she and the band liked them more than the other proposed logo.
I set up the ideas they wanted to use for stickers in the way for them with bleed and crop marks as this website asked as Harri wasn't comfortable doing it herself.

This project didn't take me too long, and because it was for other students I wasn't bothered about asking for any payment, especially as it opens the door for more potential work with them in the future if they get bigger, but this might be something I re-assess if they want to use it as the logo rather than just for stickers.

There was some confusion caused on their end by them forgetting the difference between a diameter and a radius, which lead to me having to spend about 20 minutes longer working than I would've otherwise had to do, but this is really a minor issue at most, and, on the whole, it's been another positive experience working with friends as was the case with Jamie, Beth, and Barbered Design last year.

More information about this stage of the project can be found here on my extended practice blog.

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