Saturday, 20 February 2016

DBA (Hyperloop) - Group Meeting

We met yesterday to discuss our best ideas for the project going forward based on our current ideas for the branding.

Our favourite ideas were from Jamie's adaptation of the destination marker and Liam's stylized H's below.

We tried combining the two in some way but we weren't happy with how they came out.

We tried making the H out of shapes that were a bit more relevant to hyperloop than the squares. Liam suggested squares for positivity and while this looked good, it didn't really sit well with the feedback that from the interim crit that the logo needs to have a clear meaning immediately. We tried using the destination marker instead but it lost some of the dynamism that it had when the plusses were being used.

We then used arrowheads which are a clear sign of direction, and it worked just as well as the squares but was more appropriate. We found that it worked better as a lighter colour on top of a darker colour and that it was very versatile in its use of colour, this could be important across different uses.

We then tried using half of the destination symbol as the arrowhead to make it even more appropriate, and it worked just as well. It can also be added to other symbols to make them more dynamic as shown below, so we decided to run with this concept. 

We then split up the tasks into who would do what in terms of the collateral that shows how the idea can be applied further. We did this based on our skill sets which meant some people had more to do than others, but everyone seemed happy. The breakdown is:

Liam: Signs/icons for toilets, exits/fire exits, information points, directions etc etc
Alex: Printed tickets and staff badges/lanyards
Jamie: Mocks of websites and apps
Ryan: Mocks of social media
Me: Mocks of electronic boards for arrivals/departures etc

We decided to work on our individual tasks over the weekend to meet up again early next week.

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