Saturday, 20 February 2016

Self-Promotion - Logo Alteration

After having the discussion with John and asking other people about what they thought, I decided to re-visit my logo with an emphasis on making it look like it would work. Over the past few days I've created these alternatives which look at the Newton's cradle from different angles, change the size of the balls, change the positioning of the type, have a different size ratio etc. 

I found that regardless of what the final version would be, I kept going back to the square with text making up the base. I found that having the strings in when the balls were positioned so they'd work made it look too much like a Newton's cradle, and removing them made the reference much more subtle. Making the balls smaller made them a lot less imposing and allowed me to increase the quantity such that there was a ball for each letter. In the end this is my favourite because of the changes referenced above.

Whilst it may not work at particularly small sizes, the smallest it probably needs to be used at is 180x180 pixels for social media profiles. This equates to roughly 45mmx45mm. When I checked how the business card would look with it at 35mmx35mm it worked fine, so I'll be going forward using this.

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